Chapel of the Souls of Purgatory
Chapel of the Souls of Purgatory
Without a doubt, the importance of this chapel resides in the person to whom its creation is linked. We are of course referring to Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, to whom the Cathedral Chapter granted this space on 29 October 1612 so that he could establish his chapel and tomb. However, the relationship between Garcilaso and the Cathedral began prior to this, as is revealed in the documentary sources which tell us of his position as sacristan.
The author of La Florida, whose life and work is described in two side inscriptions, gave the chapel a carving of a Crucifixion, commissioned from Felipe Vázquez de Ureta, and a railing, the work of Gaspar Martínez. Moreover, the altarpiece presiding over it is attributed to Juan de Ortuño. Composed of a single vault flanked by two columns, it is crowned with a divided pediment on which a relief of the Eternal Father can be found. On the pictorial background of Jerusalem, appearing on a canvas attributed to Melchor de los Reyes, we see depicted the figure of Christ.